• May 26, 2022

The Citadel Training Schedules: A Comprehensive Guide

The Citadel Training Schedules: A Comprehensive Guide

A Personal Experience

As someone who’s been into fitness and bodybuilding for several years, I’ve always been on the lookout for effective training programs. So when I heard about “The Citadel Training Schedules”, I was immediately intrigued. After trying it out for a few months, I can confidently say that it’s one of the most well-rounded and challenging programs I’ve ever come across.

What is “The Citadel Training Schedules”?

“The Citadel Training Schedules” is a fitness program that’s designed to help people of all fitness levels achieve their goals. It’s a comprehensive program that combines strength training, cardio, and mobility exercises to help you build lean muscle, burn fat, and improve your overall fitness.

List of Events or Competition

“The Citadel Training Schedules” also offers a range of events and competitions for those who want to take their fitness to the next level. These include:

  • Powerlifting competitions
  • Bodybuilding shows
  • CrossFit challenges
  • Obstacle course races

Detail Schedule Guide

If you’re interested in trying out “The Citadel Training Schedules” for yourself, here’s a breakdown of what you can expect:

Phase 1: Foundation

This phase focuses on building a strong foundation by focusing on mobility, stability, and core strength. You’ll be doing a lot of bodyweight exercises, as well as some light weightlifting to help you develop good form.

Phase 2: Strength

In this phase, you’ll start to add more weight to your exercises and focus on building strength. You’ll be doing compound lifts like squats, deadlifts, and bench press, as well as some accessory exercises to help you build muscle.

Phase 3: Hypertrophy

This phase is all about building muscle mass. You’ll be doing higher reps and more sets, and focusing on specific muscle groups to help you build size and definition.

Phase 4: Conditioning

The final phase is all about improving your conditioning and endurance. You’ll be doing a lot of cardio, as well as some high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to help you burn fat and improve your overall fitness.

Schedule Table

Here’s a sample schedule table for “The Citadel Training Schedules”:

Day Phase 1: Foundation Phase 2: Strength Phase 3: Hypertrophy Phase 4: Conditioning
Monday Bodyweight exercises Squats, bench press, pull-ups Leg press, bicep curls, tricep extensions 30 minutes of cardio
Tuesday Yoga, foam rolling Deadlifts, military press, dips Chest flys, lateral raises, hammer curls HIIT
Wednesday Rest day Rest day Rest day Rest day
Thursday Bodyweight exercises Squats, bench press, pull-ups Leg press, bicep curls, tricep extensions 30 minutes of cardio
Friday Yoga, foam rolling Deadlifts, military press, dips Chest flys, lateral raises, hammer curls HIIT
Saturday Rest day Rest day Rest day Rest day
Sunday 30 minutes of cardio 30 minutes of cardio 30 minutes of cardio 30 minutes of cardio

Question and Answer

Q: Is “The Citadel Training Schedules” suitable for beginners?

A: Absolutely! The program is designed to be scalable, which means that you can start at your own fitness level and work your way up.

Q: Do I need any special equipment?

A: You’ll need access to a gym with basic weightlifting equipment like barbells, dumbbells, and squat racks. Some exercises can also be done with resistance bands or bodyweight.

Q: Can I do “The Citadel Training Schedules” if I have an injury?

A: It depends on the injury. Always consult with your doctor or physical therapist before starting any new exercise program.


Q: How long is each phase?

A: Each phase is typically 4-6 weeks long.

Q: Can I do “The Citadel Training Schedules” if I’m trying to lose weight?

A: Yes! The program includes plenty of cardio and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to help you burn fat and improve your overall fitness.

Q: Do I have to follow the program exactly?

A: No. While it’s recommended that you follow the program as closely as possible, you can always make modifications to suit your own fitness level and goals. In conclusion, “The Citadel Training Schedules” is a well-rounded fitness program that’s suitable for people of all fitness levels. The program includes a range of events and competitions, and is designed to help you build strength, muscle, and endurance. If you’re looking for a challenging and effective training program, “The Citadel Training Schedules” is definitely worth checking out.

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