• February 21, 2022

Newborns Feeding Schedule: A Complete Guide For Parents

Newborns Feeding Schedule: A Complete Guide For Parents


As a new parent, it can be overwhelming to figure out the best feeding schedule for your newborn. With so many conflicting opinions and advice, it’s hard to know where to start. In this article, we’ll share our personal experience and provide a comprehensive guide to help you create a feeding schedule that works for you and your baby.

Why a Feeding Schedule is Important

Establishing a feeding schedule is crucial for your baby’s growth and development. It helps regulate their hunger cues and promotes healthy eating habits. A consistent feeding schedule also helps parents plan their day and allows for better sleep patterns for both the baby and parents.

Events and Competitions Related to Newborns Feeding Schedule

There are various events and competitions related to newborn feeding schedule. One of the most popular ones is the “Breastfeeding Challenge” which takes place every year during the World Breastfeeding Week. Another competition is the “Infant Feeding Challenge” which is organized by many hospitals to promote healthy feeding habits for newborns.

Detail Schedule Guide for Newborns Feeding Schedule

Here is a detailed guide for establishing a feeding schedule for your newborn:

Week 1:

Feed your baby on demand, which means whenever they show signs of hunger. This could be every 1-3 hours.

Weeks 2-6:

Start to establish a routine by feeding your baby every 2-3 hours. This will help regulate their hunger cues and promote better sleep patterns.

Weeks 6-12:

Your baby may start to sleep for longer periods at night, so you can start to stretch out their feeding schedule to every 3-4 hours.

Months 3-6:

Your baby’s feeding schedule should be more consistent by now, with feedings every 3-4 hours. You may also start to introduce solid foods at around 6 months.

Schedule Table for Newborns Feeding Schedule

Here is a schedule table to help you plan your baby’s feeding schedule: | Age | Feeding Schedule | | — | — | | Week 1 | On demand | | Weeks 2-6 | Every 2-3 hours | | Weeks 6-12 | Every 3-4 hours | | Months 3-6 | Every 3-4 hours |

Question and Answer Section

Q: How do I know if my baby is hungry?

A: Look for hunger cues such as rooting, sucking on their hands or fingers, or making smacking noises.

Q: How much should I feed my newborn?

A: Your baby’s stomach is small, so they will only need a small amount of milk (around 1-2 ounces) per feeding during the first few weeks.

Q: When should I start introducing solid foods?

A: Most pediatricians recommend waiting until around 6 months to introduce solid foods.


Q: Can I breastfeed and formula feed my baby?

A: Yes, it’s possible to do a combination of both breastfeeding and formula feeding. Talk to your pediatrician to figure out the best plan for your baby.

Q: Do I need to wake up my baby to feed them?

A: During the first few weeks, it’s important to feed your baby on demand, which means you should not wake them up to feed. After that, you can start to establish a routine and stretch out their feeding schedule.

Q: What if my baby is not gaining enough weight?

A: Talk to your pediatrician if you have concerns about your baby’s weight gain. They may recommend more frequent feedings or other interventions. In conclusion, establishing a feeding schedule for your newborn is crucial for their growth and development. Use our guide and schedule table to help you create a plan that works for you and your baby. Remember to be flexible and adjust as needed, and always consult with your pediatrician if you have any concerns.

What Is the Best Feeding Schedule for Your Baby? in 2020 Baby solid
What Is the Best Feeding Schedule for Your Baby? in 2020 Baby solid from nl.pinterest.com

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