• March 28, 2023

Cook County Sheriff Eviction Schedule

Cook County Sheriff Eviction Schedule


As a resident of Cook County, you may have heard about the Cook County Sheriff Eviction Schedule. This schedule is a crucial part of the eviction process in the county. If you are facing eviction or know someone who is, it’s essential to know about this schedule and how it works.

Personal Experience

As a former tenant in Cook County, I have experienced the eviction process firsthand. It’s a stressful and overwhelming situation, and having access to information about the eviction schedule can help ease some of the anxiety.

What is Cook County Sheriff Eviction Schedule

The Cook County Sheriff Eviction Schedule is a list of dates and times when a sheriff will come to a property to execute an eviction order. This schedule is updated regularly and made available to the public. It’s essential to keep in mind that the schedule can change, so it’s crucial to check it frequently for updates.

List of Events or Competition

There are no events or competitions related to the Cook County Sheriff Eviction Schedule.

Detail Schedule Guide

The Cook County Sheriff Eviction Schedule is released every two weeks and is posted on the Cook County Sheriff’s website. The schedule includes the address of the property, the date and time of the eviction, and the name of the landlord or property owner. If you are facing eviction, it’s crucial to know about the eviction process and the rights you have as a tenant. The eviction process in Cook County can take several weeks, and it’s essential to seek legal advice as soon as possible.

Schedule Table

The following is an example of the Cook County Sheriff Eviction Schedule: | Address | Date and Time | Landlord | | — | — | — | | 123 Main St. | January 15th, 2023 at 10:00 am | John Doe | | 456 Oak Ave. | January 17th, 2023 at 2:00 pm | Jane Smith | | 789 Maple Dr. | January 20th, 2023 at 11:00 am | Mark Johnson |

Question and Answer

Q: What happens if I don’t leave the property on the eviction date?

A: If you don’t leave the property on the eviction date, the sheriff will remove you and your belongings from the property.

Q: Can I appeal an eviction order?

A: Yes, you can appeal an eviction order. It’s important to seek legal advice and act quickly if you wish to appeal.

Q: Can I be evicted without a court order?

A: No, you cannot be evicted without a court order. The eviction process in Cook County requires a court order and a notice of eviction.


Q: How often is the Cook County Sheriff Eviction Schedule updated?

A: The Cook County Sheriff Eviction Schedule is updated every two weeks.

Q: How do I access the Cook County Sheriff Eviction Schedule?

A: The Cook County Sheriff Eviction Schedule is available on the Cook County Sheriff’s website.

Q: What should I do if I am facing eviction?

A: If you are facing eviction, it’s essential to seek legal advice and understand the eviction process in Cook County. You can also access resources and support through organizations such as the Legal Assistance Foundation of Metropolitan Chicago.

Quick Update on Cook County Sheriff timing for eviction
Quick Update on Cook County Sheriff timing for eviction from chicagoeviction.com

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