• October 29, 2021

The Ultimate Guide To 2 Week Old Baby Schedule

The Ultimate Guide To 2 Week Old Baby Schedule


Welcoming a newborn into the family is an exciting and overwhelming experience. As a new parent, you may be struggling to find a routine for your little one. In this article, we will guide you on how to create a 2 week old baby schedule that will help you and your baby settle into a routine.

Personal Experience

As a new parent, I remember feeling lost and confused about how to take care of my newborn baby. I struggled to find a schedule that worked for both of us, and it often left me feeling exhausted and stressed. After doing some research and consulting with other parents, I finally found a 2 week old baby schedule that worked well for my baby and me.

What is a 2 Week Old Baby Schedule?

A 2 week old baby schedule is a routine that you establish for your newborn to follow. It includes feeding times, nap times, diaper changes, and playtime. Establishing a schedule helps your baby to feel more secure and comfortable, and it also helps you to plan your day.

List of Events or Competition of “2 Week Old Baby Schedule”

– Feeding time – Nap time – Diaper change time – Playtime

Detail Schedule Guide for 2 Week Old Baby Schedule

Here is a detailed schedule guide for a 2 week old baby: 6am: Wake up and diaper change 6:30am: First feeding of the day 7:30am: Playtime 8:30am: Naptime 10:30am: Wake up and diaper change 11:00am: Second feeding of the day 12:00pm: Playtime 1:00pm: Naptime 3:00pm: Wake up and diaper change 3:30pm: Third feeding of the day 4:30pm: Playtime 5:30pm: Naptime 7:30pm: Wake up and diaper change 8:00pm: Fourth feeding of the day 9:00pm: Playtime 10:00pm: Bedtime

Schedule Table for 2 Week Old Baby Schedule

Below is a schedule table that you can use to keep track of your baby’s routine:

Time Activity
6am Wake up and diaper change
6:30am First feeding of the day
7:30am Playtime
8:30am Naptime
10:30am Wake up and diaper change
11:00am Second feeding of the day
12:00pm Playtime
1:00pm Naptime
3:00pm Wake up and diaper change
3:30pm Third feeding of the day
4:30pm Playtime
5:30pm Naptime
7:30pm Wake up and diaper change
8:00pm Fourth feeding of the day
9:00pm Playtime
10:00pm Bedtime

Question and Answer

Q: How long should my baby nap?

A: At 2 weeks old, your baby should nap for about 2-3 hours at a time.

Q: Should I wake my baby up to feed?

A: Yes, you should wake your baby up to feed every 2-3 hours, even if they are sleeping.

Q: How do I know if my baby is getting enough to eat?

A: You can tell if your baby is getting enough to eat if they are gaining weight and producing 6-8 wet diapers a day.


Q: Can I change the schedule?

A: Yes, you can change the schedule to fit your baby’s needs. Just make sure to establish a routine that works for both you and your baby.

Q: What if my baby doesn’t follow the schedule?

A: It’s okay if your baby doesn’t follow the schedule exactly. Just try to stick to it as closely as possible, and make adjustments as needed.

Q: How long should I follow the 2 week old baby schedule?

A: You can follow the 2 week old baby schedule for as long as it works for you and your baby. As your baby grows, you may need to adjust the schedule to fit their changing needs. In conclusion, establishing a 2 week old baby schedule can be a beneficial routine for both you and your baby. Remember to be flexible and adjust the schedule as needed. With time and practice, you and your baby will find a routine that works well for both of you.

2 weeks old schedule Baby schedule, Baby month by month, 6 month baby
2 weeks old schedule Baby schedule, Baby month by month, 6 month baby from www.pinterest.com

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