• April 20, 2023

15 Month Old Nap Schedule: Tips And Guidelines

15 Month Old Nap Schedule: Tips And Guidelines


As a parent of a 15-month-old toddler, you know how important nap time is for them. A well-rested child is a happy child, and having a consistent nap schedule can help achieve that. In this article, we will provide you with tips and guidelines for a 15-month-old nap schedule.

Personal Experience

When my child was 15 months old, I struggled to establish a consistent nap schedule for him. I found that he was often fussy and irritable when he missed a nap, and it was difficult to get him to sleep at night. After consulting with my pediatrician and doing some research, I learned the importance of a consistent nap schedule and how to establish one.

Why is Nap Time Important?

Nap time is important for a 15-month-old child’s development and overall well-being. It allows them to recharge and refresh their minds and bodies, and it also helps with their growth and development.

List of Events

Here are some events or competitions related to 15-month-old nap schedules: – Nap competitions: Some parenting groups organize nap competitions for toddlers to see who can nap the longest. These events can be a fun way to encourage a consistent nap schedule and help toddlers learn to settle down for nap time. – Nap time playdate: Organizing a playdate during nap time with other parents can be a great way to ensure that your child gets their nap in while still maintaining social interactions.

Guidelines for a 15-Month-Old Nap Schedule

– A 15-month-old toddler should have two naps a day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. – The morning nap should be around 9:00 am, and the afternoon nap should be around 1:00 pm. – Each nap should be around 1-2 hours long. – Try to establish a consistent nap routine, such as reading a book or singing a lullaby, to help your child settle down for nap time. – Make sure your child is comfortable and in a quiet, dark room to help them sleep better.

Schedule Table

Here is a sample schedule table for a 15-month-old nap schedule:

Time Activity
7:00 am Wake up
9:00 am Morning nap
11:00 am Snack time
1:00 pm Afternoon nap
3:00 pm Playtime
5:00 pm Dinner time
6:00 pm Bath time
7:00 pm Bedtime

Question and Answer

Q: What should I do if my child refuses to nap? A: If your child refuses to nap, try to establish a consistent routine and make sure they are comfortable and in a quiet, dark room. You can also try different methods to help them settle down, such as reading a book or singing a lullaby. Q: How long should a 15-month-old nap? A: A 15-month-old toddler should nap for around 1-2 hours per nap. Q: Is it okay if my child skips a nap? A: While it is okay if your child skips a nap occasionally, it is important to try to maintain a consistent nap schedule to ensure they are well-rested and happy.


Q: Can I let my child nap in a car seat or stroller? A: While it is okay to let your child nap in a car seat or stroller occasionally, it is not recommended as it can affect their spine and breathing. Q: Can I wake my child up from a nap? A: It is best to let your child wake up naturally from a nap, but if you need to wake them up, do so gently and gradually to avoid startling them. Q: Should I wake my child up from their afternoon nap to ensure they sleep at night? A: It is not recommended to wake your child up from their afternoon nap as it can affect their overall sleep quality and lead to fussiness and irritability at night. Instead, try to establish a consistent bedtime routine to help them fall asleep easily at night.

Easy To Follow Sample 15 Month Old Schedule for the SAHM/WAHM. Coffee
Easy To Follow Sample 15 Month Old Schedule for the SAHM/WAHM. Coffee from www.coffeewithkinzy.com

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